"Baby Boy Bakery is dedicated to the memory of our son, Ryan Cruz. It is our mission to honor Ryan by providing inspiration to you to live a loud and wild life no matter the ugly we are faced with."

Hat: Faye by Gigi Pip
Words cannot express the impact this woman has had on our lives and so many others. She has experienced heartache that not all of us will come to know yet she has persevered and chosen to use her time to encourage and inspire through her beautiful blog and business Baby Boy Bakery. Learn more about Jacqui's story here and through her #thehatswewear answers below. She will surely add light to your life.
What are the roles or hats you lead in your life?
I wear so many hats! I think the more hats the better, even though I’m well past my twenties I’m still learning about myself and which hat looks best on me. Or which hat I lead in my life. Is it the business owner hat? Or my writer hat? My chef hat is always learning. My mom hat I know looks the best on me! I’m still wanting to try on a Hip Hop hat and finally start my dancing career I’ve been dreaming of.
Day to day, my mama hat is the one I lead with as being a mama inspires every single thing I do.
Which hat do you find most rewarding?
I definitely find the mama hat to be the most rewarding. Putting my best foot forward in all things mama has the best outcomes. I love making my children smile and laugh. I love giving them experiences and then getting to see the world through their eyes. Time spent with my children are rewards, treasures and keep sakes. Especially for me, all my time spent with my son will live in history as tender memories. He gave me my mama hat and for that I will always be grateful.
What hats do you find are most challenging and what do you do to embrace them?
Honestly, that business owner/blogger hat is a pesky one. Its one I truly enjoy and love whole heartedly, though it is hard to be your own boss. I struggle to keep up sometimes because its hard for me to take off my mama hat and put the work hat on you know? After 6 years of blogging at Baby Boy Bakery and nearly a 1 year of running my brand Baby Boy Bakery Kids everyday is still different! Everyday I’m learning to wear the many hats that are asked of me. I embrace it all by staying positive. Thats the best part of wearing many hats … you can take one off and put another on to re-focus and discover what truly is important.
What hats are least known about you?
I am known now as a mother. I actually am best at wearing my mama hat. I’ve gone through hell and I am still re-building myself and my family after suffering through loss as mother. But what most people don’t know is growing up I never dreamed of being a mom some day, I wanted to travel the world and pick up some hobby in a far village somewhere like rug weaving. Honest. But paths get switched up, you meet people and you try on so many hats until the right one for you sticks…whether you know it yet or not. Thats the beauty of life I think. Things happen for a reason, hats get put on for a reason that ultimately make you the incredible person you are today.
Who or what inspires you?
My children inspire me. My children inspire me to wake up everyday and live a full life. My children inspire the work that I do, the designs I create and the words that I write. Without my children I’d be in some far off village weaving rugs!! Thank God for my kids!!

Be sure to follow along with Jacqui's story on instagram: @BabyBoyBakery