Jena is a talented creator that inspires other women to let their artistic side out + create their own art! Her beautiful children are her inspiration in everything she does. She seriously is a boss mom that we admire + adore!
What are the roles or hats you lead in your life?
I wear lots of hats! I am a wife and mother of two. I am also a creative and small business owner of Spoonful of Faith illustration and design studio. I love to illustrate and help small business owner find fun and creative ways to bring their ideas and businesses to life. I wear so many hats within my home (mother, wife, chef, homework helper, decorator, manager ;)) and my business (too many to name!) and I am often switching from one job to the next :)
Which hat do you find most rewarding?
Motherhood is the most rewarding for me. It is so special to see your work with your children come about through their lives. Also, I have learned the MOST about life, love and hope through my children.
What hats do you find the most challenging and what do you do to embrace them?
While motherhood is one of the most rewarding, it can also be challenging. There's definitely mom guilt as we often can compare ourselves - I think that comes from us all wanting to do the best for our kids. But I really try to tell myself to trust my instinct and remember I was made to mother these specific children. I am also in a season where my business has grown and I am in the process of hiring additional help. I think our best way to embrace challenges is ASK FOR HELP if you need it. Sometimes we try to do it all ourselves when we have people willing to help carry the load - USE THEM.
What hats are least known about you?
I love to create in many different ways. I love music and used to sing and perform a lot before kids. I am all for a good DIY project or anyway to use my hands!
Who or what inspires you?
I wouldn't say any specific, because there are probably a lot - but mostly women who are honest and can share their vulnerability. I think we often connect through that and to see others courage really inspires me.
Favorite Gigi Pip style/color + why?
The Camila is the one I am wearing and I really do love it. I am also a fan of the Corey style. I like the wide brim and love that Gigi Pip has hats of larger sizes. I wear my hair in many styles and sometimes can't find hats to fit but these were so perfect!